Monday, August 3, 2009

What's In A Name?

Oops, I just realized I left you three (sorry Bethy :)) in the dark about Pinkie! Here are some of our name choices, but first...

We have been talking a lot about the baby's name. I know we have a long way to go, but I'm not really a fan of calling the baby "it" for 9 months. I have always been one of those people who thought it was stupid to hide the name until birth. It's always really awkward when you ask expectant parents if they have a name and they respond with, "yes, but we are keeping it private". What are you supposed to say then? "Wow, a secret. That's really cool." I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who thinks it's awkward. But now...

I totally get it! I think I have learned a lot during the pregnancy. One major thing is that EVERYONE has an opinion. When it comes to morning sickness, food aversions, pregnancy health, I am totally fine with an opinion, especially because it is given as an encouragement, as a matter of fact I WELCOME opinions. So please don't think that I'm an arrogant brat that has to do this on my own, 'cause I don't want to! :)

BUT, sometimes I'm a little blown away that people will actually tell you to your face that one of your name choices is "a horrible name for a baby"! Isn't that funny?! On the other hand, if my parents had actually wanted to name me Zerubbabel, I would hope that some one would have kindly and graciously asked them to reconsider.

So with all that said, I'm a little insecure about our name choices at this point, but we still have a little time. Like I mentioned in the last post, in about 16 days we will find out the gender. I would love to be able to call that baby... "blah blah" (you know what I mean) from that day on.

Here are our top choices...
Malaki/Macachi Rivers or
Dallas Philip

Mya Pinkerton (hence the nickname "pinkie") or
Penelope Mae

So... now I feel like I will scare everyone away from commenting. :) Maybe we should just stick with "Blah Blah". With how original some people are starting to be with naming their children, he/she probably wouldn't even stick out!


  1. I'll comment! I love the name Malachi, though why the different spelling? Spelling something differently just to spell it differently is always odd or me - but if there's a reason, that's awesome (like, Merian's spelling came from Stephen Lawhead's novel on Robinhood that posits Robinhood was actually Welsh - thus the spelling, while she's actually named after my Great Aunt Marion).

    ANYWAY...I think your child will stick out *just fine.* I love names that have history/meaning and sound good on a little baby and an eighteen-year-old and a ninety-year-old.

    And I vote for Penelope.

    Cheers Susi! I love the baby name discussion - it's so fun, especially when your husband can think of every possible spin or mockery opportunity associated with any possibility.

    And then...sometimes a name just doesn't fit when that little baby is in your arms!

  2. Ha! I am not naming our baby Macachi- What on earth, that was totally a typo :) I'm not sure what the traditional spelling is because...

    Malaki looks to me like it could be pronounced "mah-lah-kee" so that may be a problem or...

    Malachi looks like "mal-ah-chee"

    Thanks Leila! By the way, your name is gorgeous and so is Merian!

  3. Well you are a brat, but I don't have an opinion on the arrogant part as of yet:) I will have to see if you listen to every person kibitz on your names and take every one of those into account before I make my decision.

    Seriously, does it matter if someone else doesn't like the names you pick? I would not recommend naming them "Harry Legs", but past that, they are your heritage and stewardship opportunity from the Lord and you and the Big Pic can name them whatever you like. Who knows, in 100 years the name might be the next Mike.

    Since you are from LA you could add "La" or "Da" to the front and join in that trend. LaPinkstah?

    I have no opinion about pregnancy except that I think that everyone should tell the expecting one that the pregnancy is about a month longer than it really is, since it seems that most women think their baby is going to be early, and at about 8 months they can't wait to "get this baby out of me". If we told them that they had 2 months left maybe they would be more patient.

    Sorry we missed you and the gun-slinger when you were up, I'm sure there would have been some funny story to listen to and wonder how it is that you 2 have not run each other over or something crazy like that.

  4. I say name your baby whatever you want. That said, I love Malachi and Penelope (but only if I can call her Penny!) Since I also love alliteration I think you should switch the girl names so it's Penelope Pinkerton and Mya Mae ;P Love you!

  5. I love them all! But my fav is Dallas Phillip and Mya "pinkie". But whatever you choose, the baby will totally fit it! They always do!

  6. Find a grain of salt; here comes another opinion. When we were expecting our first, I had read somewhere that women who don't know the child's gender during labor had more adrenaline to push at the end because of the excitement of the surprise. When you have the kid already color-coded and named, you're just waiting to fill in the rest of the statistics (DOB and weight--not real exciting stuff). And, like, two weeks before the kid's born, you're saying, "Hurry up and get out here, Prunella, we're sick of waiting!"

    Funny story: When we were awaiting the arrival of our third child, our sons were telling the neighbor what names we had chosen, but I had to coach them. They said, "Rosalind if it's a girl, and if it's a boy..." I said, "It starts with a B..." Waiting to hear them say Brendan, one son says, "Baphibosheth!"

    We also jokingly referred to the baby as Jabez for a while, as my waistline was expanding. Baby naming is such fun! Why not enjoy it as long as you can?

  7. I love it Susi, people just can't help but comment or have an opinion....other than for the "official birth certificate" will it really matter??? Your family has so many nicknames for everyone and sometimes more than one at a time, people may really never know her/his real name:)
    (whatever you two choose, will be beautiful)

    I do have to commend you, your blogs are so funny that I print them off and save them for reading to the fam on car rides....I mentioned to them that your mom referred to hubby as "Po" and I was confused...they quickly told me "duh" mom, it's for policeman...please tell me it isn't so...I hate to be wrong....
    Sorry we missed your quick visit...I miss you and I do hope that you will get some relief soon from the icky sicky stuff.
    Love you so much!

  8. LOL, when we were waiting to find out what Hallie was, we didn't have a girl's name, but we did have a boy's name - Haddon Hobbs, and SO MANY PEOPLE would say, "Do you know your last name is Higgins? That's three H's.". I was like, "NO WAY!!!!! I didn't know my last name was Higgins!!! Three H's?!?!?!?!? Forget it."

    Actually, that's not true, I just smiled and said something like "Oh, I know, isn't that funny?"

    People still say that Maggie is a dog's name, even right in front of her. :) It builds character.
