Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!

This post is REALLY late, like three weeks late, but I was looking through my pictures and saw this one and wanted to write a little post about my sweet parents. I am so thankful for these two! Let me tell you why...

My Mama- She is the most gracious, compassionate loving person I know. I have learned so much from her and I still have so much left to learn! She loves the Lord and pouring through Scripture is as natural to her as breathing. One of my favorite qualities of my Mama is that she loves with her whole heart. She truly knows what it is to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. I love this woman!

My Papa- I've always loved and respected my dad. I always wanted him around to hang out with me and my friends, even as a teenager. I know in some ways, most children are embarrassed of their parents at some time or another. Not me. Not ever. I think my dad is the coolest. These last couple of years have really changed my dad. He went through some really difficult things and I watched him make the decision to fully rely on the Lord. Jona's and my respect for him grew and grew through this time and I am so thankful I got to watch and learn from him through that time of trial.

I love you both and I am so thankful I have gotten to witness your friendship and love for each other. Thanks for being honest with us and using your strengths and failures as an opportunity for your children to grow. Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you my Snoozer! God has been gracious! To Him be all the glory! I love you, Jona and my little Penn-face!
