My very generous father-in-law gave us his year old computer! We are finally able to get reconnected with our blogs. I wouldn't really hold your breath for my husband to update his blog, but I will try my hardest to update mine.
We have just started working on our condo. We have literally not had five seconds to try and get things in order, but there has been a few moments of free time lately for Jona and he has done an incredible job! We put a wall up to close off the nursery, got rid of the popcorn ceilings, painted everything and are in the process of repainting our bathrooms. For the record, "we" means that he did the work and I ate and watched him. :)
Tomorrow I am officially a little bit retired! I'm not quiting work 100%, but its good enough! After Christmas break I am coming back to SCCS to teach elementary music, but I am no longer in charge of the choirs and the entire music program. I'll be honest, I am really going to miss it. I LOVED my students this semester. I am really excited to not have huge responsibilites looming over my head, and I think that for the most part, my Christmas concerts came off surprisingly well.
We are at 35 weeks! This pregnancy seems to have taken the last 10 years! I am now at the "can't walk, can't breathe, can't sleep, can't feel my arms, can't fit into any clothes" stage but I am so so happy for where I'm at! I feel better than I have this entire pregnancy and I am SO looking forward to my little Penny Mae arriving!
She has been breech for a while, which I know isn't a big deal. I've mentioned it a couple of times and all of the mothers of the world have sought to comfort me through it, which is actually very sweet :). We are not concerned at all about her being breech. She could be in my throat for all I care, just as long as I have her sometime soon :) It looks like we could have her sometime around January 10th, which would be wonderful!
Sorry for the random update. I will try to put more thought into the next post. :)