Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mr. Patient

I have so much blogging to catch up on. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this little story that perfectly demonstrates the day to day in my marriage with Jonathan.

He had very graciously offered to take the trash out for me. I gave him the kitchen and bathroom trash then told him that there were several boxes at the top of the stairs that needed to be recycled.

He was standing at the bottom of the stairs and I was at the top. Then this happened...

Jona: If those boxes are empty you can throw them down to me.

Me: Ok

Jona: Are they empty?

Me: Yeah, totally.

Then as I threw them down the stairs as I said...

Me: They kinda have trash in them.

And of course trash went ALL over the stairs. We laughed pretty hard at my stupidity and he graciously cleaned up after me as I went on my way to take care of another mess I had caused.

If that isn't love,I don't know what is!

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